Om Mane Padme Hum ~ The Jewel Of The Lotus Resides Within ~ Answers Are Within Us All

Cathy Corcoran

Psychologist and Holistic Therapist
Certified Heal Your Life Workshop Teacher
Contact: ostarahealth@hotmail.com

29 September 2008

New Moon Wish

Today is the day to wish upon your dreams! Put it out there to the universe! Dont hold back! And definitely don't put out into the universe what you don't want!
At 6.12pm (E.S.T) is the moment you can state exactly what you would like to order from the universe and it will come true to some degree.
You may think this quite kooky of me to believe but it DOES work! I have so many things arrive when I have consciously "wished" on the new moon. My daughter is a biggy! She was conceived within the month of completing a new moon wish in Septmber 2006 (with a whole heap of other factors as evidence that would support this being connected to the new moon wish), I have also wished upon prosperity and money, circumstances I want to come about and health related issues - there are alot to list.
Yasmin Boland the astrologer speaks with expertise on this subject and I have listed her link to assist you with making your new moon wish.
The Process is below:
* Decide on your Wishes or Intentions for the near future.
* Be as specific or vague as you want to be
* Write them down - either on a sheet of paper with a pen, or with coloured pens, pencils and so on. The more energy you invest, the better your results are likely to be. Red is seen to encourage to show the universe your exact intentions - so you may want to write in red
* Read them out to the Universe then either bury or burn your list, or set it aside so you can check it this time next month, to see how your wishes worked out.
***Get on with your week, safe in the knowledge that you've expressed your wishes to the Universe. Do all you can to make them come true.

So the world is in your hands - what do you want to come into your life??
Blessing you with all the wishes you may wish upon tonights new moon
Love and Blessings

25 September 2008

Let Your Light Shine!

I've had an interesting 24 hours of self awareness. Small events can trigger such wonderful insight! I was asked to attend a gathering last night in relation to an exciting new project. Whilst there the project made sense and I felt that it was appropriate for me to be involved though had to have some discussions. So that all felt fairly normal...the insight occurred as has been usual in the last few years while I was having a shower to wind down. I checked with the angel cards and they gave me fairly expected answers....so i jumped in the shower.
The insight that came over me were in numerous forms. Firstly I felt the huge desire to loofah my skin?? why?? As I see it - it was the shedding of my skin - like a snake shedding their skin - a new beginning, getting rid of the old! Continually while I was showering the thoughts and words "don't play small" from the quotation - Let your light shine, were played over in my mind and all of this in the cleansing environment of the shower.
Yes I am supposed to follow on with this project if these signs are anything to go by!
I have written the excerpt below for you to read - it is magnificent and needs to be taken notice of and adopted.
Let Your Light Shine
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves:
“Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?”
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.
Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.
There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking
So that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It’s not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.

- Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love

I now know I cannot stand back and await for other people to be on the same page as me - I must continue reading and if people want to continue reading also then we may stay on the same page but I cant stop the wonderful story ahead of me.
So I ask that everyone else be mindful of this also. Where does your light need to shine and please don't dim it for other people!
I'm off to find out my next step!

18 September 2008

Ostara Health - A meaning

We are always presented with the signposts if only we look out for them...I had been thinking of outlining to you all the understanding behind the name of my business and the definition...but as usual "sat" on it - basically meaning I left it in the back of my mind and didnt action it. Until the signs appeared - and for this issue they appeared straight away. It doesnt happen all the time but this time it did. I had just put together this website and went to the newsagent to have a browse and see if there were any new magazines that I hadnt picked up yet for the month - today it was the spellcraft magazine which I dont always pick up as a "usual" for me. On the bottom corner of the cover "Shine for Ostara" - did that whack me right between the eyes. Gotta love those forceful affirmations from the universe that we're doing the right thing! In it an article about Ostara - The Spring equinox (day and night equal) which is coming up on 23rd September. Then I had an email from someone who I had given the link to this page wondering what "ostara" actually meant? Well I used to go for 3 signs from the universe. I think I now get the hint on 2!
Ostara means re-birth, growth and fertility. The Doreen Virtue meanings include "signifies pregnancy, involved in a successful child conception, your desire will fully manifest in the springtime, your new idea or venture will be successful! Its an opportune time to make life changes!"
Meaning for my business:
I was pregnant with my daughter and prior to her immediate conception I kept getting the Ostara Goddess Card in Doreen Virtues card deck. She then stopped appearing for a little while after I became pregnant but then started again when I was thinking of starting my private practice. Thus the reason for the name of my business - both sentimental but also relevant. There was no looking back when this card arrived.

Ostara is the teutonic Goddess of fertility and springtime.
Call upon OSTARA to increase your fruitfulness, fertility, or to help you embark on new ventures

Ostara is relevant how - its time for spring cleaning, getting rid of the old and bringing in the new! With this in mind it was only appropriate that the universe gave me a nudge and Ostara Health's online beginning occurred at the begining of her season- tell me that is coincidental?? I dont think so!

17 September 2008

Ostara Health is ONLINE!

Welcome to my website! I have had enough messages from the universe to kick my behind into gear and get going with this!
The final straw was watching Oprah today - specifically to see Louise Hay and her discussions about Healing Your Life and attracting the life you want! Well my intentions will not go anywhere if I don't put them into action!
I have had in the last month or so a couple of people with blogs advertising their business so I felt what better way to get my message out there with my business - Ostara Health and the Heal Your Life (HYL) Workshops.
I will use this forum to advertise upcoming workshops both The HYL and my Gaia blessingway ceremonys. Which I will update with more info about both later.
Please pass this website onto whoever you know - if only that they open this link, it will open an awareness that will raise the vibration and awareness on this planet.
This website will discuss everything I am passionate about! Please leave comments if there is something in particular you want to discuss.