Om Mane Padme Hum ~ The Jewel Of The Lotus Resides Within ~ Answers Are Within Us All

Cathy Corcoran

Psychologist and Holistic Therapist
Certified Heal Your Life Workshop Teacher
Contact: ostarahealth@hotmail.com

19 November 2008

It's Not Personal....

Today's post comes from a recurring thought today that I had come into my mind.
I think most of us when some type of issue, conflict, problem and even apparent rejection arises, it is taken on board as personal. That the person has done whatever the instance is on purpose with intent to harm and hurt us.
I think the relevation that is of importance is that it is only ever personal and of harm and hurt if YOU/WE make it personal!
If we were to step back from whatever the incident is that has occurred - it can be clearly seen that the person this relates to has their OWN issues as to why they have reacted this way to you and has their own circumstances they are dealing with, this accounts for their behaviour to us which may have most likely been taken PERSONALLY.
If we truly believe that it IS personal and an attack upon our character and can see no other way- then I ask that you still step back but then look at yourself....The issue is only personal again because you've made it, but that you are still not able to shake it and shift it means that it has pressed a nerve. Thats ok - but its still not a personal attack from someone else. We now need to take responsibility that it is our sensitivity and the issue that we need to work on ourselves. we would not have felt attacked if we werent already feeling vulnerable about the issue - it would have held no relevance and rolled off our back.

I am not at all excusing bad behaviour such as shouting, swearing, acting badly but the content that is involved is the essence of this discussion.
You can only ever control your reaction to a situation. Therefore choose whether it is positive or negative and choose whether to take it personally or at least learn from the encounter!

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